SPENGA is an unrivaled fitness experience. Unlike any studio of its kind, SPENGA combines three essential elements of fitness to create what’s simply known as the best workout ever. This unique concept delivers cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training in every session.  Through a combination of spin, strength, and yoga each workout is designed to improve endurance, strength, and flexibility.

With space dedicated specifically to each element of the workout, invigorating aromatherapy and workouts fueled by energizing DJ-inspired beats. SPENGA is a community of like-minded individuals all looking to make the most out of their lives and their workouts. Every time you step into our studio, we guarantee we’ll be there cheering you on for every ride, rep and revive.




FL-Boca Raton-33496
TX-Fort Worth-76131
PA-Spring House-19477
FL-Fort Myers-33966
CA-Los Gatos-95032
TX-Sugar Land-77479
TX-Sugar Land-77479
TX-Sugar Land-77479
IN-Valparaiso -46383
TX-Sugar Land-77479
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
Remote Flexible - US
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
AZ-Oro Valley-85704
CO-Wheat Ridge-80212
TX-Sugar Land-77479
NC-Chapel Hill-27514
NC-Chapel Hill-27514
TX-Sugar Land-77479